Jobs at Athalia - Sign up now - Athalie Consulting
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Be part of our team!

Teacher, trainer

We are looking for trainers!
Our partner company provides training for employees and managers of multinational companies on a range of topics.

We are looking for team members who are keen to share their knowledge of office software:
– Office 365 package (Teams, Yammer, Sway, OneDrive, Sharepoint…)
– Excel, Excel Macro
– Outlook
– Access, Access Macro
– Word
– Microsoft Project

Or other applications you’re confident in. You can teach one or more subjects. It depends on your knowledge.

Apply if:
– you are comfortable speaking in front of a group of 8-12 people
– if you are an entrepreneur, student, employee
– if you want to earn an excellent hourly rate with little time on your hands, on time
– you are open and communicative
– you like to share your knowledge and you like to grow
– you are good-looking, reliable, punctual and striving for the better.

The training sessions are usually on weekdays. Budapest. If it’s convenient for you, in the countryside (we pay for travel and accommodation if you’re attending for several days).
If you like your CV, you will be offered a trial training session after a telephone interview.

English and other foreign languages are also taught. If you can still present on a topic, you will still get an extra bonus.
Payment is calculated on an hourly rate. Each theme has a different price range.

Minimum hourly rate: net ~2750 HUF.

There is no monthly minimum that you have to commit to. You take as much training as your time allows.
If you are interested, please fill in the Application details and upload your CV.

If you have any questions, you can contact us here.

Thank you for your trust.
The Athalie Consulting team!

Jelentkezés Oktató, tréner pozícióra

    Születési éved:

    Milyen irodai szoftverek használatát oktatod szívesen?
    Office 365 csomagExcelExcel MakroOutlookAccessAccess MakroWordMicrosoft Project

    Fájlok csatolása (elfogadott fájltípusok: pdf, doc, odt)

    (pl: önéletrajz vagy motivációs levél)

    Elfogadom az adatvédelmi szabályzatot   [Megtekintés]

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